Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Art in its many Forms

Hello again! So, in this post we will discuss mainly about the different forms of art.

So, obviously if you have seen my first post you already know that art basically means skill or craft as derived from the Latin word ars. Although, this craft or the skill used to make something can be anything and this is why our topic for this post is 'Art in its many forms'.

Anyways, just to clarify some things, there are not just different types of art but there are also different types of artists. Art can mean different things to different people, for example, a painter's artwork is the picture he paints, a sculptor's artwork is the sculpture he makes, a musician's artwork is the music he composes and so on, so forth. We all must keep an open mind, as artists and their work come in many shapes and sizes. We must also keep in mind that art is an idea expressed in the most suitable, physical way possible and so whilst some of us might not understand it we should at least appreciate somebody's work as it has its own meaning or significance.

Now, there are so many different forms of art but let's just limit it to seven so, we can say that the main forms of art are painting, sculptures, literature, architecture, cinema, music and theatre. 

Below are the definitions of the art forms.

  •  Paintings - these are the results of an application of paint using a paintbrush or other tools to make marks/paint on a plain surface. 

  • Sculptures - a three-dimensional object representing a certain idea. 

  • Literature - written works 

  • Architecture - the art of constructing and/or designing buildings.

  •  Cinema - a use of skills to create films. 

  •  Music - how sounds are put together to create melodies. 

  •  Theatre - live performances of plays.


Above is an example of one of the seven forms of art. It is an abstract art painting.

Anyways, by now we should all have a fair idea of what the seven basic forms of art are and what they mean. I'd also like to thank you all for spending your time to read this and please share the link and comment.

Art in its many Forms

Written by: Abigayle Pumuye


Monday, August 28, 2023




Hi again and welcome to my next post. I will now tell about sculptures that is a form of art. In this post you will learn more on how it’s made, benefits of sculpting, why it’s made.


Sculptures are used to decorate public places that are usually very large. Sometimes used to express feelings, to tell a story or to scare. Sculptures network ideas, art culture and creates communities. A sculpture reflects it’s place, it’s societies and our time or history.


Classic ways of sculpting usually call for clay, marble, wood or bronze; however any durable material can be used for sculpting.


Sculpting can also bring out ideas and deeper or encourage deeper thoughts. Students or people gain a better understanding of subject matter by looking at it. I’ll tell you why people or sculptors like sculpting. It’s mainly for purely aesthetic purposes which is the most common.


Stone Carving - Carving for everyone

Stone Carving - Carving for everyone Written by: Manna Ario

Friday, August 25, 2023

Why Art?

Hey guys, so last time I posted, I explained to you what art is but now I'm gonna tell you why I chose to create a blog about art.

So, I chose art out of so many other topics simply because I LOVE ART. I mean, as far as I can remember I've been drawing all my life. I would do doodles, practise my calligraphy, do paintings and so much more. Art would always keep me busy! (literally).

Anyways, as some of you may already know, I'm a person that draws a lot and I mean way too much. Honestly, sometimes I get too carried away drawing, I forget to do more productive things. Good thing is, I only get carried away with this when I come up with certain design ideas otherwise everything's fine. 

So, just to sum it all up, I am very happy that this blog is about art because it is one of my most favourite things in the world. This also really helps me to express my feelings about art.

    Shown above are two drawings I've done myself.

Thank you to all of you that are spending your time to read this. Please share to your friends and family.

Done by: Abigayle Pumuye 

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Why do I like art

  why I like art?

I will tell you why I like art. I like art because it makes myself and the environment around me. It's also simple and creative. It allows me to imagine more. Art gives us meaning and help us understand the world. I also feel good and a connection with the piece of art. 

Why I choose art?

This is why I choose art. I choose art as the topic of my blog because I grew up with art and art has always been with me. Not only that art is also inspiring and brings out the creative mind in people. A piece of art may look simple but is not easy to master.

Done by Manna Ario

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

What is Art

What is Arts

Hello guys and welcome to our blog. We will tell you more about art and how good is art. When you read our blog, you will gain more interest in arts. It can be very beneficial in terms of imagining and expressing your thoughts and ideas.

Art is something that stimulates thoughts, emotions and ideas through the senses. It is something that is created with imaginations and skills that expresses ideas and emotions. The word art is taken from the Latin ars which means skill or craft. Art goes way back to the stone ages.


Done by Manna Ario

Friday, August 18, 2023

Art is Everywhere

 Art is Everywhere

Hey guys and welcome to our blog!

So, as some of you may have already guessed, our blog is about art. If you didn't know this, then at least now you do. Now about our blog name, just in case any of you might not know what aesthetes means it basically means a person who likes art. Anyways back to the point.

So, I'm pretty sure you all have somewhat a fair idea of what art is. Although art isn't just something hanging on your wall, a painting or something in the museum/gallery, no, it's not that simple. Art, derived from the Latin word 'ars', means 'skill' or craft'. In other words, art is something that is created with imagination and skill that expresses ideas and emotions. Not only is it used to express ideas, but also to represent images that could have some significance.

The topic we're supposed to discuss is 'Art is Everywhere '. This statement is actually really true, because literally speaking (typing really), everything we see is somebody's artwork. The device you're using to read this, the music you listen to, the chair you might or might not be sitting on, it's all ART! Just think about it, somebody was/is creative enough to think it, design it, construct it and finally here we are using it. Because of somebody's idea, somebody's creative, innovative, ingenious idea, we are able to live the way we do, with so many different appliances.

So, probably knowing now that art is everywhere, and everything is art, you all kind of see how important art is. By opening our minds to the millions of possibilities, we notice that our surroundings are artworks. Using this knowledge, we now see somebody's creation in good use, that not only benefits the artists, but us as well.

Anyways, summarizing our discussion, art is derived form a Latin word meaning skill or craft. Not just this but because of somebody's creativity, we are able to use and have the things that we might heavily rely on today.

Thank you all for spending your time to read this. Please share the link below and comment.

Art piece by Inner Void 

Thank you all for spending your time to read this. Please share the link below and comment.


Written by: Abigayle Pumuye                                                                                   

Art in its many Forms

Hello again! So, in this post we will discuss mainly about the different forms of art. So, obviously if you have seen my first post you alre...