Friday, August 18, 2023

Art is Everywhere

 Art is Everywhere

Hey guys and welcome to our blog!

So, as some of you may have already guessed, our blog is about art. If you didn't know this, then at least now you do. Now about our blog name, just in case any of you might not know what aesthetes means it basically means a person who likes art. Anyways back to the point.

So, I'm pretty sure you all have somewhat a fair idea of what art is. Although art isn't just something hanging on your wall, a painting or something in the museum/gallery, no, it's not that simple. Art, derived from the Latin word 'ars', means 'skill' or craft'. In other words, art is something that is created with imagination and skill that expresses ideas and emotions. Not only is it used to express ideas, but also to represent images that could have some significance.

The topic we're supposed to discuss is 'Art is Everywhere '. This statement is actually really true, because literally speaking (typing really), everything we see is somebody's artwork. The device you're using to read this, the music you listen to, the chair you might or might not be sitting on, it's all ART! Just think about it, somebody was/is creative enough to think it, design it, construct it and finally here we are using it. Because of somebody's idea, somebody's creative, innovative, ingenious idea, we are able to live the way we do, with so many different appliances.

So, probably knowing now that art is everywhere, and everything is art, you all kind of see how important art is. By opening our minds to the millions of possibilities, we notice that our surroundings are artworks. Using this knowledge, we now see somebody's creation in good use, that not only benefits the artists, but us as well.

Anyways, summarizing our discussion, art is derived form a Latin word meaning skill or craft. Not just this but because of somebody's creativity, we are able to use and have the things that we might heavily rely on today.

Thank you all for spending your time to read this. Please share the link below and comment.

Art piece by Inner Void 

Thank you all for spending your time to read this. Please share the link below and comment.


Written by: Abigayle Pumuye                                                                                   

1 comment:

  1. Well done Abby...Impressive first post. Now I now the greater meaning of Art..Learning something new..thumbs up..and look forward to your next post.


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